Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Bar Somewhere in America

Okay, tonight it took two budlight brewsters at Applebees to make me a cheap date. If I were a chick in skirt, some guy could have had my panties off and back on again well before Leno started his monologue.
Six hours in 110 degree heat will do that.
Anyways I sat at the bar, drank and ate one of Applebees famous trios that turned into a duo as one of my entrees never escpaed the kitchen.
Oh well, I didn’t need more food and I was comping the meal anyhow.
Across the bar was Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazard about 20 year younger than he appeared on the show.
He was reading a some publication called “The New Criterion” which either means he is a religious zealot, a communist or some sort of mechanical technician.
Imagine Uncle Jesse as any. Although he did continually turn the sound up to hear the Cardinals game. I am going with communist.
Down the way there was a man that looked to be in his 70s, but had a little earring in his left ear.
This man was also reading. He had some sort of paperback book. I didn’t know reading was such a common bar drinking activity.
I felt out of place with just a beer and a plate of food.
I guess the short of this experience is that people never cease to amaze me.
Of course, I was the one that drank enough to get tipsy then went back to my hotel, wrote a story for work and then thought I should write this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe that is because you are at an Applebees.