Monday, November 3, 2008

Big Red's 10 Worst Beatles Songs

Note: I am on the third day of a cold. I am pretty tired. I am coming off about three overworked weeks with maybe the next two being worse. Oh, and Rex Grossman is once again quarterbacking the Bears. So don't hate me if I come off as a little ill-tempered here. Life is just good right now. On the positive side, I think this is the first time I've posted both my lists before Snakester has done one. I win!

10. Yellow Submarine – Revolver
I am not going to deny liking this song when I was younger. I’ll admit singing along to the chorus and even watching the trippy cartoon movie. But when it comes down to it, it’s a shame that some people think of this song when they think of the Beatles. This song was just wrote to give Ringo something to do and I think John and Paul had a running bet on who could write the goofiest, most pointless songs for Ringo. But for the Beatle even some of their crap turned to gold.

9. The Long and Winding Road – Let It Be
This was Paul’s second ballad contribution to the Let It Be album. The break up album didn’t need another one and this tune just doesn’t stack up well to the albums title song. Everything else on the album has a certain raw, gritty and contentious edge. The Long and Winding Road just comes off as over produced and pretty sappy.

8. Back in the U.S.S.R. – White Album
This tune kicks off the legendary White Album. It’s a sort of throw back kind of early Rock song from the Beatles first couple albums. It has a lot of bizarre sounds in the background and I’ve never understood the point of the song. Overall it’s just a step back for a band that was all about moving forward.

7. Run for Your Life – Rubber Soul
For a band that expounded endlessly about love and peace, this tune always seemed kind of out of place. It’s kind of like Guns ‘N Roses ode to killing your mate “I Used to Lover Her.” Basically this one is about warning a significant other not to cheat or else. Groovy man.

6. You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) – Past Masters, Volume Two (Originally released as the B-side of the Let It Be single)
Leave it to the Beatles to write a song with about one verse and sing it over and over again. I’ll admit it can get into your head after hearing it, but there are a lot bad songs that get caught in my head.

5. Piggies – White Album
I think Paul just has a thing for farm animals. Every once in a while he turns out an almost childlike tune about an animal that does nothing for anyone. I supposed this may slight at groupies or greedy people, but it sounds too much like bed time song for me.

4. Blue Jay Way – Magical Mystery Tour
Every album the Beatles went for a song that was completely like anything else out there. It was there overextending need to be artsy. A few times it turned out well, but otherwise they released a steaming piece of dung like this.

3. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill – White Album
Again there was time, I’d sing along to this one until one day I just gave it a real good listen. First, there is pretty much one verse to the whole song. Second, it’s John messing around with his voice kind of like You Know My Name. Third, if it weren’t the Beatles people would pan it for being pointless and silly.

2. Doctor Robert – Revolver
Hey you sell me drugs, how about I write a song about you. That’s what this song is. Just a good old-fashioned ode to a drug dealer. I can’t believe the Beatles actually had to release a statement 30 some odd years after they broke up to admit their drug use. Please listen to this mindless banter of a song and tell me it’s not obvious.

1. Within You, Without You – Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Okay, this won’t be a surprise to the Snakester. I may one up this list and say this may just be my least liked song produced by any band at any point in the history of man. It drones on and on in the middle of the most daring and probably recognizable album in Rock history. I’ve grown to respect George more with age, but this will always be a black mark against him.


Unknown said...

That is what I get for giving you a relief cause I figured you were so busy and wouldnt post till the beginning of this week. Oh well. Since you called me out here is my one correction to your list. Piggies was written by George. Also I remember by brother being very enthralled with Bungalow Bill, although that isnt much of a surprise.

Dan Woessner said...

Yeah, I had a little time one morning last week and did the best of list and yesterday morning I decided I better get the worst one done, because I wasn't sure when I'd get to it.
I went to check on Piggies like three times and then got distracted. Lazy reporting always gets you in trouble.
Nothing really surprises me about old Fingers McGee.

Unknown said...

I dont think anyone knew why Paul wanted to be back in the USSR? I always thought he was making fun of California Girls cause it kinda has some of those same lyrics. Also I would write a song about my drug dealer if he gave me a discount.

Dan Woessner said...

First sorry for the multiple replies on last comment, computer was acting goofy and I hit the post button a few times.
I also assumed there was something tongue and cheek about Back in the USSR. Never really got it though and probably never will.

Unknown said...

I think i heard a version later when he was doing the wings thing that he changed it to USA and one time he talked about backing the UK when they called him a commie. just doenst make sense

Dan Woessner said...

He was just looking for a cheep pop in those other versions. Maybe he was saying that the Beatles were not only bigger than Jesus, but also Communism, the Cold War and Siberia.

Unknown said...

well they pretty much were and at times still are. i mean come on when you think about it we supported sir paul who married a young model with one leg when they got divorced. anyone else and the world would be up in arms that he was a bastard. but Paul is bigger than all that, even the Lennon-McCartney monicur (so he thought anyway)

Dan Woessner said...

He was lonely. She needed money.
Now she can say "I know what it's like to be rich."

Unknown said...

He should go the Ringo route and just say i am not doing fan mail or any of the publicity junk anymore just leave me alone so i can grow old now, but ringo always was the smartest beatle

Dan Woessner said...

"This is a serious message!" I've heard Ringo say that like 100 times now on Boers and Bernstein since he came out saying he wasn't going to answer any mail.
I'll give it to Ringo, he kept that up quite a long time. I suppose it's good Marge Simpson sent her painting in a long time ago, otherwise we'd be short a Simpson episode.