Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Snake's Encore: Group Sex - Headquarters.

In Snake's Collection

Harvest - Neil Young

What can I add about this album? This is probably the saddest album I have ever heard and certainly that I own. This could either be really good or bad depending on my mood. I know it helped me cope with some times in high school. 'A Man Needs A Maid' still gets me most of the time. The orchestration wonderfully down and Young's vocal is so beautifully sorrowful that is always seems to strike that sadness inside. The electric songs were recorded in Young's barn and the live version of 'The Needle and The Damage Done' is from a recording at UCLA. Linda Ronstandt, James Taylor, and CSN add backing vocals throughout the album. I can't think of another piece of music that connects with me on so many levels and can elicit such a major emotional response.

Head Hunters - Herbie Hancock

This essentially started the Jazz Fusion genre. Herbie had wanted to do something a little more grounded than the crazy experimentation that is previous albums had been. Thus this album revolved more about R&B and Funk bases. There is absolutely no guitar on the album. Herbie wanted to use the Clavinet instead. Plus I think it is amazing someone can release a full album that is only four songs. Chameleon - 15:41, Watermelon Man - 6:29, Sly - 10:15, Vein Melter - 9:09. I just wonder what people thought of the singles Chameleon - 2:50 & Vein Melter - 4:00. That's almost 25 minutes of music edited down into just under 7. That is like listening to the single of 'In A Gadda Da Vida'. What's the point?

Noted Notables

Hard Day's Night - The Beatles

Yep, I don't actually have this one. Although that probably won't last long now that they just released the remastered albums. Here is the nugget I have. The title comes from something Ringo said after a marathon recording session that lasted through the day and well into the night. It 'had been a hard days night'. John used the line in his book, 'In His Own Right'. Dick Lester was approaching the Beatles about doing the movie and mentioned he wanted that to be the title. Thus it was. Ok I just thought of one more. 'Can't Buy Me Love' was the first Beatles song to feature only one vocalist. Paul is the only singer heard all the way through the song. There 2 for the price of 1.

Guero - Beck

I loved the single 'Hell Yes'. Beck later released an EP titled 'Gameboy Variations' in which he used classic Nintendo Gameboy sounds as the backing. 'Hell Yes' sounds even cooler on that EP.

Happy Trails - Quicksilver Messenger Service

I did some sampling the best I could. I am pretty sure I am going to have to buy this album though. They also rework 'Mona', another of Bo Diddley's classics and my personal favorite. I would equate this to the live jamming capabilities of The Dead with fewer members who are much better masters of their instruments.

Sorry, no Snubs that I saw.


Dan Woessner said...

I thought that you'd dig Quicksilver Messenger Service.

I really think you should have wrote something about Paul's "Grandpa" from the movie. That guy stole the show. It surprises me that you don't have that album in the collection. I figured you had all the Beatles. I am pretty close. I probably would, but it's an easy item to put on the old X-mas or birthday list.

Unknown said...

I guess I tried to focus on the album. I think the reason I had never gotten Hard Days Night was because you had it and I had Help!. Which I think was funny because I owned the movie Hard Days Night and you had Help! on video. Sorta worked out nicely I guess. Plus I've been trying to ditch CDs. But now that they remastered the Beatles collection, I am thinking I will cave and at least buy the albums I don't have.

Somehow I feel bad thinking that Harvest is the far better album in this bunch over Hard Days Night. I dunno why cause it clearly is, but there is still this sickness to picking anything over the Beatles.