Friday, March 5, 2010

Red's CD Project Story 2: Glossary

NOTE: I am going to try and keep this updated as I go. Should be a good reference for stuff.


ALDROUBI (man): Leader of group from Rion that turned away from Salama after the pouring forth of the Belnor by Tarek Grandar.

ALDROUBI (Tribe): Nomadic hunters east of the Belnor that are descendants of the ancient kingdom of Rion. Due to shame over the rise of former King Salama, the group refuses to carry swords.

ANNI: Edible fish that Oan and Nestor consume in the Rock Garden of Manta.

ARNA: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. Mythical kingdom west of the Sorna. Not much else is known. May still exist.

ATLA: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. Kingdom on eastern coast of world. Not much else is known yet.

BESA: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. Kingdom to the south, sister kingdom to Isa. Besa was flooded by Belnor waters. After pouring fourth of Belnor, Isa and Besa went through bloody war till it was united by Perde family and the kingdom of Satar was formed.

BELNOR: River that separates world form east and west. Created by Tarek Grandar who pierced the heavens with his sword Lunar spewing forth the icy waters that flowed all the way down to the Underworld. Rivers creation also flooded ancient kingdom of Besa.

DANGS: Poisonous orange fish.

EDEN PERDE: King of Satar, a title he shares with twin brother Ewam. Well-groomed, red-haired, tall, thick man. Kingship comes naturally to him. Perfect posture and self control. Married to Kendra and has a daughter named Evandra.

EVANDRA PERDE: Daughter of Eden Perde. Resembles father and his twin brother. Named after her fraternal grandmother.

EWAM PERDE: King of Satar, a title he shares with twin brother Eden. Tall, thick man with red hair and red beard. Not comfortable on throne and harbors feeling for brother’s wife Kendra.

KENDRA PERDE: Queen of Satar, married to Eden Perde. Tall, skinny woman with flowing blonde hair.

KEKUR (MOUNTAIN): Tallest mountain in kingdom of Marek.

KEKUR (SWORD): Great sword forged out of steel and stone for the King of Marek.

KNASH ROOT: A root that Oan uses for medicinal purposes to break Nestor’s fever.

HATALA DEL ARAM: Woman with some witch-like magic that Salama choose as a queen. Dark red hair, pale skinned. Comes from city of Stra formerly in Isa now in Satar.

ISA: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. Kingdom to the south, sister kingdom to Besa. After pouring fourth of Belnor, Isa and Besa went through bloody war till it was united by Perde family and the kingdom of Satar was formed.

MADRA THE LURKING WITCH: Woman that raised and cursed Oan Stoneheart. Origins unknown. Guardian to Door of Nowhere and one of few souls to be allowed travel between worlds. AKA – Witch of the Weeping Woods in another world.

MAREK: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. It housed the men and dwarves of the northern mountains.

NOCE: Captial city in the kingdom of Nocnil. It is nearest the Sorna. The men of the watch return their when their turn of duty is done.

NOCNIL: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. The kingdom of sand dwellers living in the Sorna. According to Nestor, the only one of the seven kingdoms that remain.

NESTOR: A man of the Sorna Watch that crosses the Belnor after Salama returns to the world. He lost and eye and has a deep scar across his face from a battle with Salama. Physical characteristics – tufts of scraggly gray facial hair, brown skin, accented voice.

NEW MOON: Curved, blue moon that follows Old Moon into night sky.

OAN STONEHEART: Primary character. Young man, long dark hair, brown skins. Fell into the icy waters of the Belnor as a child. He was rescued by Madra the Lurking Witch, who revived by turning is heart to stone and blood to water. His body then is resistant to injury. The result he is cursed to fight in the Great Battle in the Underworld.

OLD MOON: Large round shaped moon with crack on face. Legend has it that Tarek Grandar forged sword Lunar from by breaking a piece away from Old Moon.

OMET: Capital city of the kingdom of Satar. Known for large outer wall and four towers surrounding palace that served as prisons for three men and one woman for crimes committed after the chaos following the flooding of Besa.

MOUNT BELA: Mountain peak where Tarek Grandar went to pierce the heavens to release the Belnor.

QUINTA: Nestor’s wife.

RION: One of the seven ancient kingdoms. Laid in lands now east of Belnor and south of the Mountains of the kingdom of Marek. Once great swordmakers. Last King was Salama, who yearned for more power. After his defeat, the kingdom was divided into two groups the Aldroubi and the Dinar named after a pair of brothers. The Dinar continued to worship Salama, while Aldroubi swore off swords and become nomadic hunters.

ROCK GARDEN OF MANTA: Left over wonder from the Kingdom of Rion. Contains thousands of boulders each with mural painted on it.

SALAMA: Former King of Rion that sought great power by wielding a Black Sword that he forged by trading his soul to the Great Ruler of the Underworld. Defeated by Tarek Grandar and entombed in the Sorna. Upon rebirth, his body takes on an ashen texture, his tongue at first does not grow then becomes forked, his has four arms, two from his shoulders and two below. His pupil-less eyes change color from red, to purple to milky white. He carries a whip that doubles as some sort of flesh-loving snake. Women are irresistibly drawn to him. His duty is to suck the life out of this world to fuel the fires of the underworld for the Great Battle.

SATAR: New kingdom made of descendants of Isa and Besa. Ruled by the Perde family.

SEVEN GREAT SWORDS: The swordmaster of Rion crafted seven powerful swords for the king of each of the seven ancient kingdoms. Oan Stoneheart receives Kekur the great sword of the kingdom of Marek. The other great swords are not yet named.

SORNA: Great desert that housed tomb of Salama. Located west of ancient kingdom of Nocnil.

SORNA WATCH: An order of men assigned to guard the Sorna by Tarek Grandar and watch for the return of Salama and keep the Dinar from seeking Salama’s tomb.

STRA: City that used to be in Isa now in kingdom of Satar.

SWORDBEARER: No name, guards the old swords of Rion. Appears to Aldroubi with swords of family and presents them to heirs after deaths of father. Short man with milky white eyes, but dreams of things to come.

TANTA: A burrowing creature in the Rock Garden of Manta.

TAREK GRANDAR: Former King of Marek that both defeated Salama casting him to his tomb in the sand and slashed the heavens open with his sword Lunar (see Old Moon) to pour forth the waters of the Belnor.

WERHANE: A man sent by the swordmaster of Rion to deliver a great sword to mythical kingdom of Arna.

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