Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Red's CD Project Story 2: Part 32 – Transgressions

Note: Well I suppose I have some explaining to do. First, been super busy. Second, lost internet connection twice during writing of this part. Thrice, I just never really got my heart or head fully behind this part. With 7 parts left, I've went a little into panic mode on how to wrap everything up, while working with the lyrics and songs. I did some brainstorming the other night. Hopefully, it will help things run logically.

Disc 2
Track 10: Spaceman by The Killers

“I’m fine but I hear voices at night sometimes.”

Servants scurried around the hallways of the palace in desperate search for King Eden. They rushed about in a fever of urgency, bumping into each other, knocking forgotten silver trays and goblets from each other’s hands, letting them crash to the stone floor where they remained to be kicked off to side by the next passerby. Meriam kept to the sides, in silent horror at the chaos with the mounting disorder turning her stomach. Finding the man was paramount to anything else, any other charge, but she wondered what the man was really going to do.

She had been outside of Union Hall this morning, having just delivered breakfast to Evandra and leaving the tray for her mother Kendra to be ingnored outside her door. The scout that arrived was barely old enough to handle a steed, but his report to the guards was as sound as it was terrfying. The boy reported an army, about 10,000 strong, under a green dragon banner approaching the city from the north. While the histories of the old world were banned in the capital city of Satar, everyone knew the dragon was the sign of Isa. In these dark times, there were murmers already that the ancient army had rose from the dead to reclaim its home.

Sulking along the hallway connecting the royal apartments, Meriam’s mind continued to dwell upon the Queen. The woman had not left her room in two weeks with the only one allowed in being the King, whom Meriam knew did nothing other than ravage her. Both the queen and the princess where prisoners to their rooms, guarded from the call to run west to Nocnil and the evil residing there and isolated from the rest world, as well. The King ignored his daughter, who grew more weary, thin and pale by the day.

The Queen was a ghost, even when Meriam delivered the note from Ewam, she refused to open the door, insisting that Meriam slip it underneath. Meriam did as she was bade, and listened as the once proud woman on the opposite side must have crawled in agony over from the bed to retrieve it. Meriam understood then, Ewam had the Queen’s heart as well. Loving the man, without being able to have him, was something Meriam understood very well.

Meriam had wanted to read the letter herself. See what it was that Ewam had to say to his brother’s wife that he could not say to his brother. Considering Eden’s behavior, she was not surprised that Ewam held secret council with Kendra. Meriam wondered if he knew what his words meant to the tortured Queen. Men, she thought, never considred the feelings of women one bit. Ewam certainly never considered Meriam’s feelings. Of course that would be ridiculus. She was, after all, a servant, and he a king.

Moving down the hallway, she paid very little attention to the open door to the apartment that was once occupied by Ewam and Eden’s mother. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of both kings. It did not register that the door had not been opened since the day the former Queen died. It was only when she heard the voice that she snapped from her internal quandaries.

“It’s all here in his hand.” It was Eden’s voice, but it was bent and twisted till it was nearly unrecognizable.

“I know mother,” Eden responded, his tone much more normal, yet pained.

“She was disloyal before she took her vows.” The bizarre attempt at a femine voice returned.

“It does not say so,” Eden answered.

“In your heart, you know the truth.”

Eden answered this time with a whimper.

“They laid together and begot a child. One they paraded as yours.”

“It does not say so.”

“You know the truth.”

Eden let out a sob and words in the language she had sometimes heard him use with Ewam. The only difference was that the usual affection that dripped from the unique words was replaced with a mad sorrow.

Moving past the door, Meriam was able to get a view inside. Across the room, Eden sat upon his knees before the open doors that led to a balconey. Held out in his hand was a folded piece of parchment. Meriam clasped her hands to her mouth to snuff out a moan. It was the note from Ewam to Kendra that she had slipped under the Queen’s door this morning.

“What should I do about them?”

“Put an end…”

“Shush,” Eden interrupted his own attempt at his mother’s voice. “We are not alone.”

Eden stood up and turned around as Meriam started to back away from the door. The shadows left the right side of his face dark save for the pupil of his eye, which glowed like a star in the night sky. Madness engulfed his face, the twists and scars apparaent in the sneer on his lips. Collecting her skirts, Meriam was prepared to run if need be.

“Eavesdropping on the King and his mother is poor manners, Mistress Meriam,” Eden took a step forward. He stopped, and a look crossed his face that acknowledged the absurdity of his statement. Perking his ear up, the looked passed and it was replaced again with the sneer.

“My King, you are not well,” Meriam choked out.

“I am fine save for my subject’s disobedience.” Eden stepped closer, reaching for the sword at his belt.

“Your mother, she’s de…”

The words did not finish as a pair shoulders armored and stout crossed her field of vision and came to a halt. It was palace guard, one searching out the king. He was a young man, all of them were young these days. His blonde hair was long in the back and curled. A fair man that likely once had dozen of girls swooning over him. Of course, there were not many girls left around, and those that remained spent their days locked away, resisting or being forced to resist the constant urge to run west. Every day more found a way out, answering that obscene call.

“My Lord…” The man hesitated. The sight of the king was enough to halt his urgency. Like that, Eden straightened his shoulders and his face cleared. The man must have thought have he surprised the King, as he started over. “I apologize, my King. A scout arrived this morning. An army comes from the north under a green dragon banner.”

“A green dragon?”

“That is the report.”

Eden clasped the man by the shoulder, smiling. It was a friendly gesture, but it was obvious that neither man was comfortable. Eden stayed that way for a second, keeping one eye on Meriam.

“We shall open the gates for them when they arrive. Send a messenger.
Tell their commander that he and his generals are welcome in with no threat to their safety. They shall have audience with me.”

“My Lord. We have every reason to believe this is a hostile party. Some even believe it is the ancient army of Isa returned to reclaim its lands.”

The man was noticeably shaking, bringing up Isa was an act of treason. Eden’s posture never changed once. He answered, turning his face to clearly address Meriam even though he answered the man’s question.

“My loyal man,” Eden said. “We all must be punished for our transgressions sooner or later. Now, do as I say.”

Before Eden could address her, Meriam bolted down the hallway in a hurry to get as far away from the King as possible. Thankfully, the arrival of this army should keep him distracted for the time being. Long enough, she hoped, to give her time to pack some things. The time of the Mistress Meriam in the palace of Omet was over, but she would not be leaving alone. Already her mind was working on how to acquire at least one horse. Three would be ideal, but not probable. No, they could make do with one, if need be. Meriam could lead the one, the other two could ride. She was leaving the city, but she would never abandon her charge.


Unknown said...

A pretty good section, feels like we are getting somewhere. The madness of Eden never ceases to amaze. I guess i need to read back as see if this was a different army that would have passed around Ewam and he is going into a different city or what. Having trouble remembering that part.

Got my e-mail today, now both of my stories are officially out of the Webook running. oh well

Dan Woessner said...

This army would be Cortobrane and his army from Stra. They took the road around Ewam back toward Omet. I think I brought that up in a section or two. It's hard to keep track with long breaks between parts completed.

Eden's complete descent into madness is a major part of the climax of this project. Hopefully I can pull it off effectively in the writing.

I got my email a couple weeks ago that I had been eliminated. I've worked on a new first page for this project. I'll probably send it to ya soon for review.