Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trolling The Web - Digg.com

Digg.com is an interesting site. Not unlike Blogger, it is a site totally dependent on users. Web surfers submit links to stories. Then, other users vote whether they digg the story or not, see the name does make sense. It is a good way to see some of the best stuff going around the net in a short amount of time (helps me with this section for sure).

What brought me there this week was this headline, "Sham-Wow Guy Gets Arrested." If you don't know who the Sham-Wow guy is, you don't watch any TV and probably don't use the Internet either. So, how are you reading this now?

I would describe him as Billy May's arch nemesis. Who is Billy Mays?!?! You guys are killing me. Google these people if you really don't know. I don't see how any human being can exist in society without having either of these two people shoved down your throat. But if you do, please tell the rest of us how.

Anyway, the link on Digg.com actually goes to TMZ.com, which is the best place for celebrity smut. We all love it when the stars fall, don't we? Vince Shlomi, now you know why we just call him Sham-Wow guy, hired a prostitute. Well, once they returned to his hotel and started their business, she apparently bit his tongue and wouldn't let go. So, of course, he punched her in the face until she did, makes sense to me. In the end, the judge through out the charges. I guess it seemed like a fair fight.

See, these are the good stories you don't hear on NBC Nightly News or Wolf Blitzer Reports. Go troll through Digg once a day and see what the masses have found for you to enjoy. It is the Internet at its best, sharing stories and laughs.


Dan Woessner said...

I think we have a "Sham-Wow."I think I used it on my car last fall when I got it really dirty or something. Not sure I figured out what the big deal is about that product.

As far as consuming news, I think I'll stick to the local newspaper :).

Digg it! Oh, Yeah.

Dan Woessner said...

Internet killed the newspaper star. Sigh.